Thursday, April 2, 2020

How Can I Find The Best Chemistry Book?

How Can I Find The Best Chemistry Book?The best chemistry textbook in the world is worthless if it does not engage the students. And if the students cannot stay engaged, then they won't do well in the class. Learning by reading only can often be fine if the content is good enough.It's not a good idea to learn a new topic with little or no problem. Good science teachers may offer the best chemistry book in the world to a person who is a good student. And good students will be motivated to learn and comprehend the material. They will get a good grasp of the material and become comfortable reading it.But what about people who have little or no experience in an area of study other than high school chemistry? These are the people who will encounter difficulty in applying the lessons learned in a textbook to a new topic. Just as many people who study sociology need to acquire a general knowledge of sociology to be successful in it, and so does learning chemistry.What can be done to help th ese people? The first step is to help them acquire an understanding of chemistry as a discipline. A good chemistry textbook can help a student to connect the concepts of chemistry to their own experiences, but an understanding of the subject is not sufficient.Further help may come in the form of group work with a chemistry course. By working as a team with other students, the group will gain a better understanding of chemistry. They will better understand the material, and that will help the student do better in the class.What a chemistry textbook can offer a student is a basic understanding of chemistry. A good book will help a student to communicate their ideas clearly to a professor or fellow student. But the real difference that chemistry can make in a student's studies is the guidance they get about the course material. If the student is involved in the learning process, they are more likely to learn and understand the material.A good chemistry textbook can offer encouragement to the student and allow the student to learn more. This can be a great boost to the student's understanding of the subject.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How Much Are Violin Tutor Rates

How Much Are Violin Tutor Rates How Much Should Violin Lesson Prices Be? ChaptersWhat's the Cost of Violin Lessons?Violin Lessons Prices by CityThe Cost of Violin Lessons at a School of MusicHow Much Are Private Violin Tutor Rates?Online Violin Lesson PricesThe Questions You Should Ask about the Cost of Violin LessonsLearning how to play the violin or fiddle, whether you do it in a music school or private lessons, can take some time and cost some money! Regardless of whether you take in-home private tutorials, group classes, etc.  While the violin has become a financially-accessible instrument, you can’t ignore the additional costs for accessories and learning materials.While some think learning music is too expensive, there are certain organisations who ensure prices stay fair so that people remain interested in learning to play instruments.So how much do violin lessons cost?Can you earn money with violin tutoring jobs?In this article, we're looking at what dictates the price of a violin tutorial. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat's the Cost of Violin Lessons?The first question you should ask before starting your music tutorials and learning how to play the violin is how much money you’re going to have to put aside in order to pay for them. And above all, why you’re going to invest that much money.So why should you decide to take violin lessons?Teaching yourself is more than possible, though you should know that it’s still not free. There are many advantages to learning to play the violin with the help of a private tutors or violin teachers.When you learn on your own, you have to make sure that you don't procrastinate. (Source: tutorials with a music teacher will allow you to benefit from a personalised approach.But is this all really necessary?That depends on your personality.While some people will drop their violin lessons as quickly as they started them, others will get into the swing of things and stick with them.  If you’re one of the former, the help of violin teachers is arguably the only way you should look at learning the violin.Taking tutorials will allow you to get into a routine, which is especially useful if you lack the motivation to start playing violin on your own.  A tutor or instructor will also be there to help you fix any mistakes you might make. It’s very common for those teaching themselves to pick up some pretty bad habits in terms of your technique.From not warming up properly and putting your hands in the wrong positions to using the bow incorrectly and poor fingering, there are so many important details you have to be aware of when it comes to playing the violin.Regularly attending violin classes w ill make sure that you follow a structured course.  With arpeggios, fingering, music theory, practical lessons, you’ll have everything you need to start getting to grips with the violin.Music tutorials will also help you learn more about the history and culture of music (from Mozart, Lully, Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Bach, Paganini, Menuhin, etc.) and instrument training.Spending money on this is therefore not a waste. By having this assistance, you’ll be able to make better use of your time for learning how to play.Violin Lessons Prices by CityLife is unfair. Whether you’re learning about music or violins, the price you pay will depend on where you live.As those living there will know, London isn’t cheap. If you’re wanting to take private violin tutorials, checking the rates of Superprof will show you just how much this can change.The average price for a violin lesson in London is around £32 per hour while you’ll pay around £23 in Manchester and £20 in Edinburgh, for examp le.There aren't many things that are free in London. (Source: Dominika GreguÅ¡ová)The difference in prices is similar when you look at lessons in a music school, too. Whether you’re learning about music theory, playing in an orchestra, or just practising the violin, you can expect to pay more for tuition in the UK’s most expensive city.Of course, the rates generally reflect the cost of living, the cities that cost more to live in will generally have more expensive tutorials. The tutors have to fix their rates in accordance with the going rates as well as covering their own costs.You should also know a lot of tutors offer prices cheaper than music schools in order to lure in potential students. Tutoring jobs for ex teachers are becoming more common and you’re more likely to get a better price for music lessons by going with a private tutor.CityAverage CostLondon £32Manchester £23Birmingham £24Leeds £22Glasgow £18Discover also the many ways you can put your violin expertise to use! CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Cost of Violin Lessons at a School of MusicMusic schools generally refer to themselves as conservatoires (conservatory in the US). There are a good number of them up and down the country. For example:Royal Academy of Music (London)Leeds College of MusicRoyal Birmingham ConservatoireRoyal Conservatoire of Scotland (Glasgow)When it comes to the fees for studying in these places, you can generally expect to pay around £9,000 per year for tuition.  Of course, this doesn’t include the costs for certain materials and textbooks, either. On top of that, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to wo rk full-time in addition to these studies.  It’s recommended that students in London, for example, have over £1,000 per month just for living expenses.While this amount is lower in other cities, it still adds up when you can’t work full-time. These are costs which a lot of people can’t afford.  However, there are certain ways to bring these costs down or attain funding for study. If you’re set on going down this route, you should carefully research any funding opportunities that may be available to you.After all, these conservatoires offer an interesting array of studies for violinists:MusicologyContemporary musicChamber musicMusic theorySinging lessonsIndividual lessonsHow Much Are Private Violin Tutor Rates?As we explained before, the cost of violin tutorials can vary depending on where you live. The bigger cities tend to have the highest rates.While the average prices somewhere between £25 and £35 per hour on Superprof in the bigger cities, there are places where they can be as low as £20, like in Edinburgh, for example. Which is certainly not a bad place to be, either.The Incorporated Society of Musicians is an organisation that provides support for professional musicians. They have  surveyed 1400 private music teachers  about their fees and  found that:In Central London, music teachers tended to charge between   £30- £50/hour. Private music teacher fees in Greater London were a little less, ranging from £30- £40. In the regions of the UK, fees were generally between £25- £35.43% of music teachers expected to increase their tuition rate over the next 12 months, and  35% had raised their fees the previous year,  generally by between £1- £4 (though inner London teachers raised their rates by   £5).The ISM’s results are similar to  results published by The Tutor Pages  which indicated that the average fee charged by music teachers was almost £32/hour.Not only is Edinburgh one of the best cities in the UK, it's a great place to learn how to play the violin. (Source: course, you should be aware that the rates for private violin lessons will vary depending on the tutor’s age, experience, and level, too. Where were they trained? Are they self-taught?An intermediate violinist is unlikely to charge the same rates as an expert violin tutor. If you’re a complete beginner, the good thing is that you probably won’t need a virtuoso in order to get to grips with the musical instrument, you just need to find a teacher that can show you a few beginner violin techniques and get you performing music for yourself.The same goes for a tutor’s age. Experienced older tutors tend to charge more per tutorial than a young tutor who’s maybe still studying themselves. You need to work out what your priorities are.On Superprof, a lot of tutors offer free tutoring for the first hour so you can see if you like the lessons. Don’t hesitate to get the most out of this when it comes to working out who you’re going to work with. These trial or taster tutorials can be really beneficial.You’ll also see whether or not the violin is for you or whether you should maybe opt for another instrument (ukelele, bass, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, accordion, flute, violoncello, etc.).It’s also during this taster tutorial that you’ll be able to see the types of subjects they’ll cover (music theory, reading sheet music, improvising, etc.) and how they’ll adapt to your level.Online Violin Lesson PricesThe internet is a great tool for learning new things. And learning to play the violin is no exception.  With blogs, websites, etc., there are plenty of resources for learning basic violin techniques for a few quid each month.Are they worth it?There are plenty of useful websites for learning more about music. Beginners can learn how to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, etc.If you're looking to learn the violin on the internet, you've come to the right place. (Source: Caio Resende)There are courses and tu torials for all levels, video tutorials given by professional musicians, and explanations for a variety of different topics:FingeringPositioning the bowPositioning your left handPositioning your right handTuning your violin stringsVibratoViolin playing for beginnersSome resources are free while others you have to pay a monthly subscription. These subscriptions generally cost between £10 and £20 per month.You can also buy learning resources like videos, eBooks or .pdfs covering a range of different levels for students of all ages.  However, this type of learning isn’t for everyone. The student needs to be sure that they'll stick at it and not give up.  There’s also nobody to correct you when you do something wrong.With that in mind, is it really worth it?The Questions You Should Ask about the Cost of Violin LessonsBefore you decide upon anything, it’s important to know which questions you’re going to ask your potential tutor to ensure that you make the right decision.Here†™s a few of the important things you should check with your tutor before you start taking lessons with them:Their level as a violin teacher. As we explained before, this can influence their rates. Furthermore, you need to know whether or not your tutor is capable of simplifying pieces to your level.The style of music they teach. There isn’t much point in hiring a tutor who teaches classical music trying to teach you if you want to play folk music. This would be both a waste of money and time.Where they live. The distance a tutor has to travel can often affect the rates they charge. Similarly, if you travel to them, you don’t want to pay too much on transport. Don’t forget to consider the cost of petrol or public transport when working out their rate per hour.The materials. Do you need to buy books and resources or will they provide them? There are so many factors that can affect the final price.You need to take them all into account in order to work out what you’re really pa ying.Don’t forget that there are several places you can learn to play the violin!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Tutors Brings in New Service of Online College Algebra Help

Online Tutors Brings in New Service of Online College Algebra Help Every day we learn something new and every new things that we learn drags us to something better experience in life. Since the time of our school we always go on learning something new and this learning experience is never doomed. While in school we learn a lot of subjects. These subjects help in building up the base of a student and also help in constructing a better future for a student. During our school time we make are encircled with various subjects whom we have to study and learn, but as we grow older the number of subjects decrease and each subject comes up with a depth in it. We have to thoroughly read and know the subject for better learning. At the time when we enter college we are only left with one subject as we have to choose one subject among the other subjects and this subject becomes our destination. Further studies are conducted with this subject as the base. Every student takes up their favorite subject for further studies as they know that they can succeed through the help of this subject in near future. Each subject is different from the other and each subject is treated in a different way by the teacher as well as by the students. Algebra is a subject that is a part of mathematics and revolves around equations and formulas. For many students it can be a tough subject and for many it can be an interesting and a subject to work for. It totally depends on how a student is capable of making the subject get fully utilized. Private tuitions are very necessary as it helps a student to survive with the subject effortlessly. But with time private tuitions are also becoming small classrooms where the teachers gather up many students at a time and teach them leading to no extra effort and attention to any student. Smart and intelligent student can cope up with the subject but for the weak students it becomes very difficult as among so many stude nts they cannot open up completely. The weak students are the sufferers as they are out of reach to many teachers. But with the advent of new technology and some brand new ways through which learning and teaching became possible easily. It is the online way to teach. Online teaching can be a good way through which every student will get justified approach from the teachers. Every student can come up with their problems and also ways through which the problems can be solved. Teachers are found to be many in an online institute of teaching or learning. Today every subject is entertained by the online tutors and this brings in more clarity in the minds of the student. One such subject that is more availed by students of the recent timing is algebra. Algebra is a subject that requires a lot of efficiency from the teacher’s end to make an impressive mark on the student. It is a tough subject and also an interesting subject revolving around various equations and theories. Remembering those formulas is a hard work, but good teachers bring in those formulas to the students in a new manner and also in an easier process as well. Advantages of online teaching process Online college algebra help is the term that we use for the service. This makes every student to encounter some new way to cope up brilliantly with the subject. The teachers are efficient enough for every student to know more about the subject. The quality based teachers are only appointed for the subject so that they can give a clean idea about the subject to the weak students. The good teachers teach the subject in a structured manner. They first try to detect the weak points of a student and then they work on it profusely to make the student approach with the subject in a better way for them to grasp the subject faster and better. The teaching session does not have any time limit and thus it is a big tension free zone for the students. They do not have to work on thinking about what will happen when the teacher will not be beside them. Online teachers are available always all round the clock and throughout the year. The students can sit for the classes anytime they want and anytime they have their comfortable time. The entire session of class is conducted through the help of various online ways as tele conferencing, video conferencing and via online chats. This saves time of a student and also the energy is also consumed as they do not have to move about here and there to attend the tuition classes. Each student is attended by every teacher and thus every single child is given the same kind of attention that is deserved by them. It is a one on one way of learning in each student is attended by the single teacher so that you can get the best out of it. The teachers are always available and thus this is the reason that a student develops a kind of self confidence in the inner soul of a student. A little about TutorPace These facilities will help your attention to be grabbed and will land you in getting what you want. The online tutoring  process is the new and the easy way for any student, any teacher and for a parent also as it brings in the convenient way through which you can easily access the tuition classes without wasting your time and energy. TutorPace is an online teaching institute that will help you to get the best service and that also at a very cheap rate. The quality of teachers is good and this helps in bringing the students much more nearer to the institute. For more information you can easily view their site and know what do they really want and to how much extent. You will get a fair idea about every single detail.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Free Tutoring Associations in the UK

Free Tutoring Associations in the UK Free Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students ChaptersWhy Take Private Lessons From Educational Associations?Homework Help in Local LibrariesFree Tutoring Opportunities for Disadvantaged StudentsAdvantages for Autistic StudentsWhat Is More Effective: Homework Help At Schools and Libraries or at Home?Alternatives to Traditional Free TutoringToday, tutoring can take on many forms:One-on-one tutoring with a teacherAfter-school homework help   at tutoring centres, either in study groups or aloneTutoring in an online classroomEducation blogs that prep you on exam questionsMost of these formats are paying and can often be rather expensive.But there is a solution: government and private foundations offering free tutoring services.Whether in cities or in villages, various associations offer homework help and academic support for struggling students in and outside the classroom.Volunteers sacrifice several hours of their time each week to help schoolchildren and A-Level students succeed.Here are some of the opportunities offered in Brita in for free private tutoring. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Take Private Lessons From Educational Associations?The easiest free tutoring is studying alone.With the age of Internet and sites offering an online writing lab, free online tutoring in science and engineering, maths or history, you might not consider private lessons or lessons in a learning community straight away. Especially since such online tutoring services can’t be beaten for flexibility and accessibility.However, free math tutoring online can be insufficient, while lessons with a tutor through an app such as YUP or TutorMe pricing can be expensive.Additional ly, it can be difficult to advance when there is no-one in front of you to correct your mistakes and, even more importantly, explain why you are wrong and offer strategies to improve your learning process.One-on-one or small-group tutoring is the best way to advance and make progress. Photo credit: US Department of Education on VisualHuntTaking private lessons through a tutoring program can let you:Get free lessons from interested volunteersImprove your reading skillsReview your lessons one more time to make sure you understand themUnderstand your errors and work on correcting themAsk any questions you didn’t dare ask in class or that have come up since thenWork on your study skills to eventually achieve academic success on your own.These associations provide documentation, manuals and audiovisual materials such as textbooks, audiobooks, ebooks or exercise sheets.Everything is generally free. A few organisations ask for a registration fee, but it’s usually not very much. It is m ostly symbolical and lets you participate in all their activities and pays for photocopies. In some, you will have to pay for materials (notebooks and pens and such) and books, others will supply everything. So make sure you browse through online testimonials before making your first appointment so you know what to expect.Did you know you could also take advantage of free online tutoring resources?Homework Help in Local LibrariesIn many libraries in the UK, it is possible to sign up for afterschool homework tutoring. Homework Help Sessions (such as here in Nottingham) offer free resources such as computers with free Internet accessibility, pens, paper, calculators etc. - ideal for children from low-income  or otherwise disadvantaged households. They also have volunteer tutors eager to answer your questions about integral equations, give you encouragement and help with study strategies and career exploration.Some libraries offer homework help sessions. Photo credit: jakemohan on Visu al HuntYou can usually find the library locations offering after-school tutoring and learning programs on the local council website, search for “library homework help sessions” online or use the search at CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFree Tutoring Opportunities for Disadvantaged StudentsBut as wonderful as it is to see people volunteering for library homework help sessions, the tutors there will sometimes be dealing with several students at once. If it’s just a case of making sure homework is done properly and answering a few questions about the exercises or lesson, a group tutoring program is fine. But if your chi ld has real difficulties - such as a learning disability - whether it be in calculus 1 or history or geography lessons, one-on-one tutoring is the best answer.While there is no official government programme, Britain’s educational system works with several associations to offer help to disadvantaged teens and elementary school children. Some have their own learning centre while others have an outreach program in the schools themselves.TutorFairTutorFair works with a number of schools in the UK. They provide in-class tutoring, with tutors working directly with teachers to identify students most in need of encouragement and make a tuition plan to help them progress. They also offer small-group lessons with two or three students, taking place either at lunchtime or after school.Additionally, they provide texting-based tuition. A new GCSE maths program allows students to communicate with tutors on-demand via instant messenger.To receive their qualifications, tutors have to provide a DB S check and receive child protection training.The Access ProjectThe Access Project also partners with schools to provide support on-site at GCSE and A-Levels. Tutors work one-on-one with the child in weekly sessions and stay in contact with the student’s teacher to track vulnerable subjects and their progress.They also offer mentoring for applications and interviews to undergraduate courses at college and higher education courses.Some tutoring programs offer help with applications to universities and other centres of higher learning. Photo credit: pcgn7 on VisualHuntAction TutoringAction Tutoring offers in-school tutoring in reading and writing as well as mathematics as an after-school program (no summer tutoring). They supply workbooks and work either one-to-one or one-to-two, with an average of ten tutors per after-school tutoring program. Qualified teachers have completed a training program and DBS check.LanguageFuturesLanguage Futures concentrate on helping students learning a second language at primary and secondary levels. Their scope is a little wider, providing not only support for students in difficulty but also More Able, Gifted and Talented students. They partner with schools to broaden the opportunities for language learning and help students stay motivated and reinforce independent study skills.Are free tutoring websites effective without the benefit of a one to one tutor's guidance?Advantages for Autistic StudentsWhile it is generally considered healthy for students on the autistic spectrum to learn alongside non-autistic students, the daily routine of school and homework and interpersonal relationships can be very challenging to someone with autism or other social disabilities.Brain in Hand is a combination app/support system. The smartphone app offers a calendar function with reminders about upcoming tasks and how long they are estimated to take. It will remind the child of upcoming deadlines and any changes in its daily routine. This gives t he child a greater sense of security because they always know what is coming up next.But in addition to daily task reminders, the app also provides the child with coping strategies. When they are confronted with a stressful situation, they can look on their phone and find reminders on how to stay calm, what questions to ask to get the answers they need to centre themselves.And if that doesn’t work, the student can press an “emergency red button” that puts them in touch with someone at the National Autistic Society.Reminders can be inputted by parents and teachers with official access to the app.There are several planning apps for autistic children out there, but Brain in Hand offers an impressive support structure for the pupil and school.Discover how to make the most of the free tutoring apps available to every student...What Is More Effective: Homework Help At Schools and Libraries or at Home?Associations with their own rooms or a tutoring center will have access to games, c omputers and other equipment. However, from a psychological point of view, it is generally a better idea for teachers to help out at the student’s home.The idea is not to do housework or cook dinner but to avoid wasting too much time travelling to and from school, tutoring and home. Having an educator come to their home means that the student isn’t taken out of their comfort zone - often useful when the student has learning disabilities.Students are often less apt to play tough and pretend to know more than they do when they aren’t in unfamiliar surroundings.One-on-one tutoring is the best way to improve grades and study practices. Photo credit: US Department of Education on Visual HuntHowever, in some cases, a bad family situation will make it easier for some students to learn outside of the home, and some students with other types of learning disabilities might profit from props and games that are not necessarily portable.Home tutoring is generally the better option, but it is important to tailor free math tutoring (or tutoring in any other subject) to the needs of each child. An individualized learning curriculum also means adapting in terms of physical places for lessons or even organising an online tutor session via Skype. A school counselor can help figure out which strategy is best.Alternatives to Traditional Free TutoringSome associations seek to improve their activities and take them to the next level. Not content to help students with their numeracy or improve in their second language at home, some have expanded beyond home tutoring.Long-distance tutoring can take several forms. There are two main ones:Online tutoringTutoring by mail.If the pedagogical basis is sound, they can give a good working ethic, adapted to school rhythms, with excellent resources for algebra, physics or chemistry.Long-distance learning is old, but the Internet has definitely changed the game. An online learning academy is particularly attractive to teens. They can even include video conferences with a live math tutor or chemistry tutor and several friends. Without having to factor in travel time, scheduling just became a lot easier!Now find out where you can turn for free tutoring in the UK!

Avail High School Calculus Tutors To Approach Calculus Exam With More Confidence

Avail High School Calculus Tutors To Approach Calculus Exam With More Confidence Calculus is deemed as one of the toughest branches of Math and it is also felt that those who are gifted with a special brain for Math have the courage to choose Calculus courses. Those who choose it also find it brain storming many a time for the problems it shows forth and the mental exercises it demands. Many students find it excruciating, if they do not hold good fundamental knowledge in Algebra and Trigonometry. Still, taking high school Calculus and acing the subject is the gateway for college Calculus and many advanced Math courses. What you need to know about Calculus? To define in very simple terms, Calculus is the study of change. It has two main branches, Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus. To excel in Calculus, you need the skills of Algebra and Trigonometry. High school Calculus topics are Limits, Derivatives, Integrals and Applications of Derivatives etc. Students find these topics and other ones in Calculus tough, if they do not follow their classes regularly or are not motivated to do Calculus. Let us see one question on Inverse Functions with solution now Prove that the inverse of an invertible odd function is also an odd function. Solution: Start with the property of f and its inverse f -1f ( f -1(x)) = x Change the right side x of the above equation to (-x) and writef ( f -1(x)) = ( x) Again change x in the above equation to f ( f -1( x)) and writef ( f -1(x)) = f ( f -1( x)) Since f is odd, the right side in the above equation may be written as follows- f ( f -1( x)) = f( f -1( x) ) Hencef ( f -1(x)) = f( f -1( x) ) Which givesf -1(x) = f -1( x) And proves that f -1 is also odd. When you come across such questions and get stuck up in the middle, you feel like giving up the subject and do not know the way to move on. Online High School Calculus Tutors are your best bet on such occasions and they help you with explanations on the interactive white board step by step and help you wade through the problem. Online tutors for Calculus at high school level are of much importance in the sense that you come across innumerable problems in Calculus and need regular study habits to solve problems. Once you miss a thread or skip a class, you go back in your scores and doing Calculus homework becomes a great hurdle for you. This goes high when you prep for your Calculus exam in the end of the year and you feel like being trapped. To avoid such predicaments, either you could have unlimited tutoring plans from a website like Tutor Pace and have good study skills in the subject right from the start. Or you could utilize their services during exam prep and get peppy tips for acing Calculus exam. High school Calculus Homework Help from Tutor Pace is available through live chat, text message, e mail.The tutors are available round the clock with their best services. Conclusion Calculus which is the study of change is a bit tough if you do not pay heed to the intricacies of the subject right from the start. If you avail high school Calculus tutors from Tutor Pace, your burden is reduced with fine tips and solved answers from the tutors. Your homework is also no more a stress but turns out to be a pleasant activity. Get the best of Tutor Pace services and ace your high school Calculus exam.

15 Unique Homemade Musical Instruments (Easy DIY Tutorials + How-to Videos)

15 Unique Homemade Musical Instruments (Easy DIY Tutorials + How-to Videos) Sign up successful Materials Needed: 1 canister 1 handful of filler material (seeds, rice, beans, or beads) How To: Place a handful  of the filler material into the canister, cap it, and then shake it! 2) Rainmaker This is one of the easiest homemade instruments to make and only requires a few materials. It really does sound like rain! This particular rainmaker has two settings tin roof and tropical rain forest. Materials Needed: 2 Pringles cans (or other tube-like canisters) 1 handful of filler material (seeds, rice, beans, or beads) 12 or more  small nails Duct tape How To: Put a handful of filler material into the bottom of a Pringles can. Take the second  Pringles can, place it open mouth to open mouth with the other, and tape them together. Take about twelve million nails (or maybe a dozen) and poke them in one at a time all over the Pringles cans until all of the nails are sticking into the can. The more nails you can poke into the can, the better, as this is what makes the sound. Lastly, youll need to cover the entire rainmaker with duct tape. 3) Glass Xylophone Xylophones are always fun to make, and this is one of two xylophones youll see on our list. The other one is made of wrenches, which youll see in #14. The glass xylophone has a beautiful ring to it. As an added bonus you can drink from it if youre thirsty! Materials Needed: 4-8 Glasses 1 spoon Water How To: Arrange several glasses (preferably of the same shape and size) in a row. Fill the glasses up with differing degrees of water. Start with maybe half an inch, then an inch, then two inches, etc. When you get the water in the glasses, start dinging them by tapping the glasses with a spoon, butter knife, or some other solid object. Bonus step: If you want to get really technical, get a chromatic tuner and actually measure the amount of water you need for each glass, and tune it up! (Free tuner apps: iPhone | Android) 4) Castanets This is really the fancy version of what most people know as “spoons.” But you could also use just about anything in your utensil drawer. Castanets are a classic Spanish percussion instrument, and you can come pretty close to mimicking them with spoons. Materials Needed: 2  spoons How To: Hold the spoons back to back. Put your finger in between the handles of the spoons and grip the two handles with the rest of your fingers and thumb. All you need to do now is clack the two spoons together to produce a rhythm. 5) Thumb Piano (or Kalimba) The kalimba is an African instrument thats best made with pieces of spring steel and a wooden box. But you can substitute these materials with something easier   a match box and some bobby pins. This substitution does not resonate as well as the wooden box, so we recommend getting one of those if you can. Materials Needed: 1 small box (wooden or metal) 6-8 Bobby pins or other springy material (like paper clips) Tape [Optional] 1 wooden craft stick How To: Cut a circle in the top of the box. Straighten out several bobby pins and then tape them to the top of the box, leaving the ends of the pins hanging over the hole. [Optional] You can use a  craft stick to help hold the pins in place.  Tape  the craft stick over top of the pins and then tape  that to the box. After all the tape is in place, start flicking the pins with your thumbs! 6) Box Harp A box harp is a pretty cool little invention. It can be made a number of different ways, but the way we did it was as easy as looking around  the kitchen for parts. The box allows the rubber bands to  have a deep resonance in their sound. Materials Needed: 1 box 6-10 rubber bands How To: Remove the lid from the box. Stretch rubber bands around the open part of the box (or even around the lid itself). Pluck the rubber bands and have fun! 7) Box Guitar The box guitar is a  large and powerful homemade instrument.  Because of its size, you can get some nice resonance out of it. You can even make a more advanced version if you have the extra material. Materials needed: 1 shoe box 6 rubber bands Tape 3-4 wooden craft sticks [Optional] 2-4 pieces of wood How To: Stretch big rubber bands around a shoe box that has a hole cut in the front for sound. Note: If your rubber bands are not long enough, cut them and then tie them to two different craft sticks. Stretch the rubber bands with craft sticks (you’ll need a friend to help you with this part) and then tape the sticks to either end of the box. Note: You might want to shove a craft stick under each side of the rubber bands to simulate a bridge and a nut. Strum away! If you want to do a more advanced version, glue some wood inside the box to frame it up and make it more stable. 8) Coca-Cola Trumpet This one is a little tricky.  When done right, it can sound pretty close to a real trumpet!  The video below shows a man playing his own  Coca-Cola trumpet. Although the video has sub-par quality, you can clearly hear the trumpet playing in action.  In order to create the correct trumpet sound, youll  need to learn how to shape your lips to create a buzzing noise. Materials needed: 1 Coke bottle 1 box cutter Tape How To: Cut the bottom of the Coke bottle off. Flip the end around and tape it back onto the trumpet. Note: You have to tape it loosely so that air can emit from around the edges. Drill or cut three  holes in the top of the trumpet near the mouth piece (the opening of the bottle). Put your fingers over the holes and then blow (tightly-lipped) with all your might! 9) Simple Drum Every DIY instrument list has to include some kind of drum.  This is a very easy, yet super effective homemade instrument. If you dont have drum sticks lying around, feel free to use wooden spoons, or your hands! Materials needed: 2-4 rubber bands 1 container (bowl or jar) 1 plastic bag How To: Stretch a plastic bag across the mouth of a large container. While holding the  bag in place, put  rubber bands on until the bag is firmly held. 10) Straw Flute Its a flute in your pocket! This one is great because its incredibly portable. Not to mention, the low amount of materials needed means you can make a ton of these! Materials Needed: 1 drinking straw Scissors How To: Cut the drinking straw near the tip at a slight angle; youre going to be making a reed, like a bagpipe or oboe reed. Cut the other side; simply cut two angles that meet at a point, and then cut the point off leaving a flat spot. Put the reed in your mouth and start blowing.  Move the straw in and out until you find the sweet spot where it starts to vibrate and produce a sound. Bonus: If you want to be really creative, you can poke little holes every inch or so and use them as finger holes to create little melodies! 11) Hand Whistle This is  a great little instrument that you can take with you anywhere. If you get really good at it, you can actually play a lot of interesting melodies. Enough practice will eventually lead you to being able to play entire songs! Materials Needed: 2  hands (preferably a left and a right!) How To: Cup your hands together leaving a bit of space in the middle. Cup one hand over the other, not interlocking the fingers. All of the fingers of one hand go in between the thumb and first finger of the other, and vice versa. Press your thumbs together to make a small mouthpiece. Youll want to have a small gap between the thumbs; you can make this gap by simply bending the thumbs a tiny bit. Put your upper lip on the knuckles of your  thumbs and blow down over the hole that is created with both thumbs. Work at it a bit, until a sound is formed. Note: You can change the pitch by changing the size of the hole between your hands. 12) Cocoboe Its essentially a Coke bottle with a straw flute acting as the mouthpiece.  This  one can provide hours of entertainment. It takes some time to learn the technique, but once you get it down, youll be making sweet cocoboe music in no time! Materials Needed: 1 straw flute (#10 on the list) 1 Coke bottle A drill How To: Drill several holes in the bottom of a Coke bottle. While you’re at it, go ahead and drill a hole the size of your straw flute in the top. If the hole is a little too big, put some tape around your straw flute until it fits in the hole. Start playing your straw flute! You now have a Coke bottle oboe. [Optional] If you want to get fancy, you can drill some holes in the Coke bottle and itll allow you to change pitches. Smaller Coke bottles work better than the larger 2 liter bottles. 13) Comb Harmonica This is another simple and portable option. The comb harmonica is one of the most fun homemade musical instruments you can make! Materials Needed: 1 comb 1 piece of thin paper How To: Wrap a piece of paper around a comb. Put your lips against the paper and make a buzzing noise with your lips. You can hum as well, which changes the sound. A kazoo works pretty much the same way, but with a piece of paper or other material over a pipe. 14) Wrench Xylophone The wrench xylophone is a bit of magic. The entire thing is made out of wrenches that you can scrounge from an old tool box. Since youre using high quality metals, itll sound really nice! Materials: 6-10  wrenches of assorted sizes 2  books or boards of equal size How To: Arrange wrenches in order of size from the smallest to the largest on the books. Note: You might need to angle the books (or boards) slightly to accommodate the shorter wrenches. Start hitting the wrenches with another wrench or piece of metal. 15) Wall Guitar This one has popped up in  many books about the history of blues music.  It requires you to hammer two nails in your wall. If you cant do that, consider using a very strong adhesive instead. Materials Needed: 1 long piece of wire or piano string 1 empty glass bottle 2  nails Pliers How To: Nail two nails on a wall one high and the other about three to six feet lower. Wind a good amount of wire onto the top nail, then stretch the wire as tight as you can while winding it around the bottom nail. Once the wire is tightly bound (or multiple wires if you want to make several of these), you can pluck the wire to make sound. The building that you mount the wire to will actually act as a sound chamber. Take the glass bottle and slide it up and down the wire to play a melody. Note: If you have a guitar tuner, you can make markings on the wall where different pitches of the major or minor scale occur. Have Any More Unique Homemade Musical Instruments? Thats our  list of 15 homemade musical instruments!  If you really love playing your homemade instruments and want to eventually play the real thing, check out the  private music instructors in your area. Have you created any other homemade musical instruments? Comment below! Post Author:  Willy M. Willy M. teaches guitar, ukulele, and mandolin lessons in Winston Salem, NC. Hes been teaching for 20 years, and his students range in age from young children to folks in their 80s.  Learn more about Willy here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! 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Who Texts the Boss (Answer Not Many People) - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Who Texts the Boss (Answer Not Many People) - Introvert Whisperer Who Texts the Boss? (Answer: Not Many People) September 19, 2014 Career Development, Communication, Networking No responses This post originally appeared at As cellular phones and mobile devices continue to make communication easier and more available, the balance between work and life can be harder to maintain. While being available via phone call can be harrowing, where do employees stand on text messaging with their boss? Texting is done by thousands on a daily basis; however, is it a plausible means of communication between employees and their bosses? There are a number of factors to consider regarding texting your boss; therefore, justification can be very objective. To find out just where employees stand on the reality of texting their bosses, GetVoIP conducted a survey of over one thousand American employees ranging from all age groups. In participating, respondents answered one question: Do you text your boss?

Customizing the Tutoring Experience An Example Approach

Customizing the Tutoring Experience An Example Approach Improving Academic Performance Guiding students to a deeper mastery of mathematics, science, or language arts skills is a daunting challenge, since no two students are completely alike and instruction must, therefore, be individualized. However, “the wheel need not be entirely reinvented” for each student: after a diagnostic assessment has been administered, it is possible to view the individual student as aligning with one or another of several basic groups (or demonstrating a need for targeted instruction in multiple areas at once) I work primarily with language arts students, so this article is geared towards that subject. But a similar approach can likely be applied to most other subjects. Different tutors may think of these groups in different terms, depending on the weight they assign to such factors as standardized test scores, grade point averages, the perceived difficulty levels of the schools attended, and so forth. Since I tend to work with high-capacity students accustomed to challenging courses in excellent schools â€" supported by parents for whom college expectations are a driving factor â€" I tend to focus on these clusters: Students whose reading comprehension is impaired. Vocabulary is a root cause, as with a student immersed in a different “first language” before English or someone who has difficulty hearing the “tone” of a reading passage. I have encountered the former most often with teens who, although brought to the U.S. very young or even born here, were basically raised by extended family members (until Kindergarten) as their white-collar parents established professional careers. Such a student may have received limited exposure before age five to English words, especially to the proliferation of prefixes, suffixes, and roots with which we construct words in English. Those whose use of grammar is inconsistent. Since English is a very inconsistent language, this is understandable though regrettable. One has only to look at “families of verbs” to see the problem: irregular verbs (ranging from is and are to catch and caught), for example, or the dizzying variety of phrasal verbs which each demand a specific preposition and no other (you can gaze at something but you cannot gaze to it). Again, the second language learner may well be especially encumbered, but plenty of “cradle English speakers” have similar difficulties. Those who cannot write well. This is an “equal opportunity” deficit which cuts across all strata of students, since it becomes an exercise in logic (thesis, proofs, conclusion), the ability to sequence sentences into paragraphs, and a knack for turning paragraphs into a coherent document (all while keeping the reader engaged). For such students, the college admissions process can be a nightmare: the schools to which bright students want to go demand proof of refined writing abilities via the essay-writing sections of the SAT and ACT (whether technically “optional” or not) and admissions application essays (whether mandated on the Common App or a school’s proprietary application). For better or worse, standardized testing shapes our collective view of Language Arts proficiency. For example, public speaking â€" since not tested on such exams â€" is not something in which I am asked to tutor students except at the graduate school level. Generally speaking, the three “deficit area groups” defined above create a hierarchy: trouble with vocabulary is a bedrock problem, while grammar issues range from the fundamental to the exotic (“Can you end a sentence with a preposition?”) and writing problems anchor the high end of the cognitive scale. Tutoring can make a huge difference, no matter with what group (or with which groups simultaneously) the student can be associated. For example, it is possible to zero in on the exactly vocabulary into which the individual needs to immersed: you can tell a lot by his/her relative performance when presented with passages ranging from fiction (full of nuances and inferences) to physical science (more heavily loaded with “high concept” words and cause-and-effect relationships). Likewise, it is possible to zero in on the level of grammar which needs urgent attention, whether it is using commas or using semicolons, becoming well-grounded in verb tenses or introducing dependent clauses, or getting the knack of using pronouns or parallel sentence structure correctly. Solid vocabulary and grammar skills converge in good writing, where sentence variety, smooth transitions, interesting contrasts and comparisons, and “building a case” for a particular point of view all meld. Here, too, a baseline assessment allows us to tap accumulated wisdom about “where to begin” â€" usually with the need for the writer to make his/her thesis completely clear before layering on facts, figures, and quotes. The job of the Language Arts tutor, then, is to have enough accumulated experience to see students in the broad context of written communications â€" without losing sight of them as individuals. Every student is “going somewhere,” and our job is to help them get there with as much confidence as they can muster. For the individual student, that means knowing the right word, knowing the correct grammar, and being able to write without dreading it. All of these are achievable with practice and patience. Paul Foxworth, Blogger at

Heart Math Tutoring Launches Funding Initiative to Double School Partners - Heart Math Tutoring

Heart Math Tutoring Launches Funding Initiative to Double School Partners - Heart Math Tutoring Heart Math Tutoring Launches Funding Initiative to Double School Partners Heart Math Tutoring Launches Funding Initiative to Double School Partners February 24, 2016 Goal is to fund 15 CMS school sites in 2016/17 school year We are proud to announce that we have launched our funding initiative for the 2016/17 school year. Our goal is to double our number of school partners and reach 15 CMS school sites! The plan is  to raise $750,000 by June 30, 2016 to support 750 students and 860 volunteer tutors across 15 schools in 2016/17. To date, $335,000 has been raised from grants, corporation donations and from community support. Several local and state-wide foundations have made commitments to Heart at the “School Sponsorship” level ($25K $50K): the Belk Foundation, North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation and Social Venture Partners. Around $125,000 has been received from individual donors. We believe volunteers can be a powerful instructional resource when given adequate tools and support, which is why we want to expand our services and double our school partners this coming school year.  To make a donation to Heart’s 2016 spring funding initiative, contact executive director Emily Elliott, eoeutg or 980-292-2297. No amount is too small. Heart accepts individual donations and sponsorships from corporations and foundations. Read the full press release here.